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Generador de copias de anuncios de Google con IA

The Google Ads Generator Tool leverages AI to create compelling Google Ads quickly. With a user-friendly interface, it allows customization for product name, CTA, keywords, and target audience, generating tailored ad copies designed to capture attention and drive conversions, streamlining your digital marketing efforts.

¿Cómo utilizar?

  • Ingrese su marca/producto/nombre de servicio: comience a generar una descripción de anuncio ingresando el nombre de su marca, producto o servicio en el cuadro de texto.

  • Ingrese palabras clave : ingrese las palabras clave que desea incluir en el texto de su anuncio.

  • Seleccione CTA: seleccione el llamado a la acción en el menú desplegable: elija entre: comprar ahora, obtener más información, reservar ahora, etc.

  • Especificar público objetivo: especifique el público objetivo al que desea dirigirse para sus anuncios.

  • Genere una copia de Google Ads: haga clic en el botón "Escribir una copia de Google Ads" y Alwrity hará el trabajo pesado por usted. Siéntese, relájese y observe cómo se generan los textos de sus anuncios en tiempo real.

Pruébalo ahora ⬇️

Try Our AI Google Ads Copy Generator Here⬇️

About Alwrity AI Google Ads Generator

Details of AI Google Ads Generator Tool

The Google Ads Generator Tool leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the creation of compelling Google Ads. Designed with user-friendliness in mind, this tool allows businesses and marketers to quickly generate ad copies tailored to their specific needs. The tool integrates with Streamlit for its interface and uses the Google Generative AI (Gemini model) to produce high-quality ad content.

How It Generates AI Google Ads

  • User Input:

    • Brand/Product/Service Name: The name of the product or service being advertised.

    • Call to Action (CTA): Users can select or input a custom CTA (e.g., "Shop Now," "Learn More").

    • Keywords (Optional): Specific keywords related to the product or service.

    • Target Audience: Description of the intended audience to tailor the ad message.

  • AI-Powered Ad Generation:​​

    • Prompt Creation: The tool generates a detailed prompt that includes all user inputs and specific instructions for the AI to follow.

    • Guidelines: The AI is instructed to create three concise ad descriptions, each highlighting the key benefit or unique selling proposition (USP) of the product/service, tailored to the target audience, and incorporating a strong CTA.

    • Safety and Quality Control: The AI is configured with safety settings to ensure the generated content is appropriate and of high quality.​

  • Output:

    • The AI generates the ad descriptions based on the prompt, following guidelines for clarity, urgency, and relevance.

    • The tool then displays the generated ad copies for the user to review.

By utilizing this AI-powered tool, businesses and marketers can create effective and targeted Google Ads quickly and efficiently, optimizing their advertising efforts and reaching their desired audience with compelling messages.

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14th Remote Company, @WFH, IN


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